Pre-school & Childcare Consultation
At the request of administrators, teachers, childcare providers, and family members, I conduct observations of children in their pre-school and childcare settings and consult about various ways to improve the child’s social and emotional functioning and further develop the teachers’/caregivers’ abilities to assist children with concerning/challenging behaviors.
I provided these kinds of services to the Santa Cruz County Head Start Program from 1997-2012.
In 2010, I developed the Side-by-Side Program for Encompass Community Services, which provides early-intervention/consultation to children and their teachers/caregivers at state-subsidized pre-schools and childcare centers.
In 2010, I completed the requirements to become a Facilitator/Trainer on the Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children with the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL).